Surf Boats
Area Captain: Eddy Newberry
One of the most spectacular events in Surf Life Saving competition, the surf boat race involves a five person team and an 8 metre fibreglass oar-driven surf boat. Four members of the team (rowers or crew) row and one member steers the boat (sweep). The crew rows out through the break and around a buoy approximately 500 metres out to sea and returns to the beach. To be successful, the five members of the crew must co-operate to overcome the unpredictable nature of the sea. In medium to large surf conditions, there are plenty of thrills and spills to be seen in this event!
West Beach has a proud history within surf boat competition, most recently winning the inaugural under 19 Women’s State Championship in 2015 - 2016. We currently have female and male crews training for open, under 19, under 23 and masters divisions. New rowers are always welcome.
Recent Rule changes
All boat rowers and sweeps must wear an SLSA certified surf helmet as defined in the SLSA approved gear and equipment manual during training and competition except when an accredited boat sweep (in training) or the Competition Committee (in competition) has issued a dispensation for the wearing of surf helmets subject to the completion of a documented and approved SLSA risk assessment that has determined an acceptably low risk level* should helmets not be worn. Surf helmets worn in competition must display club competition cap colours or be covered in material in accordance with the club competition cap (i.e. a club coloured lycra cover over a helmet). If helmets are to be painted check with manufacturers for advice on retrospectively painting surf helmets
Note 1: A nominal wave height of 1m is considered as the maximum wave height threshold where surf helmets may be considered for optional use. Wave height is only one consideration in assessing surf zone hazards (examples of others could include: a heavy shore break, littoral drift, shorter wave periods, wind strength and direction).
Note 2: Should conditions alter during the course of an event the Referee may reverse the initial decision for the optional wearing of helmets and mandate that all boat rowers and sweeps must wear an SLSA certified surf helmet in competition.
Please keep in mind that dates and events may change. The most up to date calendar is for the most up to date info on events.
Training Times
Sunday's - Venue advised on FB